I JUST purchased a Max Rental tune, when will I get on the schedule?


A: I will reach out via email, or social media within 48 hours to schedule your tune and work out any remaining details. 




Great, I have my tune scheduled. Do I purchase a max rental now? When will that Max Rental get shipped?


A: No, do not purchase your max rental yet, you will need to purchase that when a contract is signed and the max is packed up with all of your nessessary equipment/cables. You will put your rental deposit down 24hrs prior to the max shipping to your doorstep. Depending how far you live from Texas, your max will be shipped accordingly to arrive by FedEx Ground one day before your tune. Typically one week prior to your tune expect a email about contracts and deposits. 



What do I need to have prepared on my end prior to your tune? 


A: You should have a laptop with TeamViewer, and your DSP software of choice. If you are using a JL processor only one laptop is needed. If you are using any other processor a second laptop with TeamViewer and the JL Tun software should be downloaded on it. If required one can be provided to you. You should also have a working system with crossovers applied to the speakers that allow it to be safely listened to, and you should also verify that LEFT and RIGHT are correct and all speakers are labeled. Sheffield Lab has a album called "MY Disc" that has left and right channel identification tracks. Please make sure this is correct prior to your tune. If you are willing to go the extra mile please make sure the channels in the DSP are labeled properly to the speaker they control. 




Do you offer tuning on other processors beside JL audio? 


 A: Yes I tune exclusively Helix, Brax, Match, mosconi, Arc audio, Audison, and JL audio processors at the moment. Because of how the processors interact with max, JL VXI / MVI will be billed at the standard rate and I will be able to see clipping and distortion points remotely so I can set final gain settings. With any other processor type I will not adjust final gain settings and the customer will be responsible for finalizing overall outputs. All non JL audio processors will have an additional $100 charge due to additional tuning time needed. 




How do I know your tuning is worth it? 


A : References, reviews, and a proven history with competitors on leader boards which can be provided upon request. 




I do not have a aftermarket radio or audio interface that gives me a perfectly flat signal, can you still tune my system? 


A : Yes, however your factory signal will cause a lot of integration issues. You have two options -

 1) Complete a tune, and use a direct in streamer to bypass factory signal.

 2) Complete a tune, and arrange to measure factory signal electrically using my directions and I make the tune slightly better for your factory signal. (This is not ideal and will never sound as good as a factory bypass or a perfectly flat signal), this can be a second preset also so you can enjoy your music bypassed and also through the factory radio.



Can you do any other tune styles such as two seat or an ALL passengers tune? 


A : Currently I only offer one seat tuning as a fully remote option. In the future a two seat tune option will be available through a properly structured system and run through a Riven Audio processor only.




How long will it take to get my security deposit back? 


A : within 48 hours of receiving the items back a full inspection will be done and a full release of security deposits will be sent back. 



Can I use my own max, computer, or cords to avoid any rental deposits? 


A : YES, I only offer those items to insure you get the best possible tune. If you have the same equipment I would need then we can use yours. I only require that before you schedule an appointment you verify that you have the correct equipment and it is all in good working order. 



Do I need any tuning knowledge to use this service? 


A : NO, you simply need to follow directions on plugging in cords correctly and setting up the microphones correctly. The rest is taken care of for you. 



Do you offer Remote tuning on other listening environments such as boats or rooms? 


A : Yes but we must speak in detail on this prior to your order as these have special considerations. A phone consultation can be arranged. 



What system layout do i need to have for a HaldMaxtune? 


A : My requirement is that every stereo speaker has an active amplifier and DSP channel. No passive crossovers at all can be used in the system. I also require that all channels are labeled and ideally gains are set if we are tuning a non VXI / MVI based system. 



How many channels can you tune? 


A : Because of how flexible the MVI / VXI hub network is I can tune the maximum amount of channels they can support (which I don’t think has ever been maxed out by a customer yet) I only as that all channels are clearly labeled prior to me logging in. If it is a non JL system I will be limiting it to a single processor. 



What happens if Rental equipment is damaged upon return? 


A : Your card on file will be charged to replace or repair for the damaged equipment. 



What happens if Rental equipment is not returned? 


A : Your full deposit will be forfeited and the full replacement cost of all equipment will be charged to the card on file per our signed contract. 



How to I set gains correctly when the amp is not VXI? 


A : Gains will be set using the SMD DD1 method of 1khz or 40hz sine waves at 0db (source) and -5db (gainoverlaps on amp) accordingly. If you do not have one, one can be provided to you. First we will disconnect all positive speaker wires from all amplifiers. We will then play signal into the VXI or MVI amplifier / processor for testing distortion. Using our 1khz and 40hz sine waves at 0db we will turn up our head units while looking at the setup tab in Tun, we are looking for the inputs to turn green and flicker yellow but not touch red. We will document the volume that the head unit does this successfully. We will then change tracks to -5db and use either 1khz or 40hz depending on the range the amplifier will be playing and we will also make sure all corrsovers and eq’s are disabled. We will then set gains with the VXI / MVI output set to 0db and set the gain pot on the non JL amplifier accordingly using a SMD DD1 or a O-Scope until we see clipping. Once this is set all tuning will be ready to be done remotely and we will be safe to reactivate any crossovers to keep our system safe and proceed with tuning. 



JL Max has a Scope built in, why do you use a DD1? 


A: Because I believe the DD1 will be easier for the masses to use. Max has a certification for a reason and is an expensive tool. I would prefer to have customers use a easier piece of equipment that, if damaged by accident, would be cheaper to replace.